New Release ~ Fear the Fall ~ by ~ Melissa Winters

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#FTFRB-3 FeartheFall-FINAL-high The legends are true. The war between good and evil is real. Hell is real. I’ve seen vampires and demons with my own eyes. They don’t show themselves to many, and the unfortunate few who come head-to-head with them rarely live to tell about it. I’m one of the lucky few. But that’s only a piece of this story. I’m Victoria English, a hunter living among mortals. More importantly, a fallen angel. Why did I fall? For love. It was all a lie.

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IMG_7168 Melissa Winters writes coming of age, paranormal romances. She finally mustered up the courage to push publish, and now she’s sitting back and biting her nails–which is one of her many bad habits. Writing and coffee keep her sane, but have also contributed to her being nocturnal! All things paranormal and witchy excite her! She lives in the burbs of Cincinnati with her family who puts up with her constant daydreaming.

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