Blog Tour ~ The Secret And The Butterfly ~ by ~ Rosemary Ness Bitner

Title: The Secret and the Butterfly
Author: Rosemary Ness Bitner
Genre: Adult Romance

All David craved in his childhood was the love and acceptance his parents would not give him. Their denial of affection festered in him, and bitterness and darkness grew until it consumed him. Shadowy secrets, manipulation and cruelty become the weapons of his vengeful nature. Control of a vast financial empire finally gives him the power he long coveted. Marty, a stunning femme fatale with a provocative tattoo reenters David’s life. Her insatiable dark urges for male attention lead her astray from respectability and love with a good man. Through their twisted psychological attraction David and Marty discover they enjoy mutual sinister thoughts.

Marty attempts respectability. She sets her eye and heart on a loving man who offers normalcy, but her wanton hunger keeps luring her to return to the depths of depravity. Another woman holds a prior claim on her love interest and simmering jealousies threaten to flare into open hostility. Marty is determined to destroy her. She commits herself to do the unthinkable to win her man.

Controlled by the Devil in her DNA, Marty savors flashbacks to her iniquitous seductions of her teacher and other lovers. Conflicting inner voices wrack her emotions leaving her helplessly catatonic and crying. Her roiled feelings reach a shocking climax when David cleverly makes a spellbinding offer packaged with an irresistibly delicious choice. Escape from torment is within her grasp, or she may choose to reach for everything and risk upending her world.

Erotic, emotionally sensitive and provocative, THE SECRET AND THE BUTTERFLY will speak to your heart, absorb your soul and cause your thoughts to flutter in wonderment.

“THE SECRET AND THE BUTTERFLY contains explicit instances of marital and relationship cheating, child abuse and an instance of hypnosis that leads to the suicide and murder of a woman and her children. If you have a fragile psyche or suicidal tendencies you are strongly discouraged from reading this book.”

(For those harried souls among who are too busy to read the entire story and for commentators who like to look at a road map before they begin a journey.)
Poon, an exhausted Monarch butterfly, secretly listens as Marty describes her sexual conquests and her conflicted search for monogamous love. Barbara, the good and discerning heroine, is a steady countervailing presence to Marty with an opposite moral compass. David and Marty, rejected by their mothers from early childhood, are masters of deception and treachery.
Marvin is the aristocratic founder of a financial institution. Susan is Marvin’s beautiful mistress and partner, and Marty is the illegitimate and incorrigible nymphomaniac daughter of Marvin and Susan. Bob is the handsome virile salesman and Barbara, or “Little Sparrow,” is his dazzling, nubile love interest. Bob makes Barbara’s heart throb. She desires him as her ideal mate. Lesser characters are Estella, Bob’s embittered anti-Semitic mother; Arlene, Bob’s earliest confidant; Eloweiss, David’s resentful mother and Marvin’s anguished Orthodox wife; Joseph, Susan’s tormented estranged husband; and Dolly, David’s black sheep confidant.
Patriarch Marvin strives to lay the foundations of a dynasty while seeking asylum from his family roots by relocating in the West. He uses the social status and money of his wife, Eloweiss, for the mortar to cement his ambitions, but he chafes at the constraints of his marriage. Marvin and David, committed Zionists, hold a closely guarded secret and share their family ambition for wealth and power. Both men institutionalize unethical business practices to further the family goal
David suffers deep emotional scarring from his mother’s rejection, and nurtures a malicious resentment of all those who are fortunate to know love. His ultimate goal is a twisted perversion of his father’s, and a sharp departure from Marvin’s vision. David seeks reparations from humanity writ large by reshaping Marvin’s company into a platform for multiple genres of malevolent criminal activity. David, a tormented sociopath, relishes corporate intrigue and develops plots to psychologically torture his employees. Both father and son view women as convenient disposable instruments to be used to advance the firm.
Bob’s childhood involved the premature loss of his father. He compensates by earning money to help Estella, his impoverished mother. He believes his successes put his childhood troubles behind him, but his self-deception is recognized and brilliantly exploited by the wily David.
Barbara observes the depravity that swirls around her and quietly develops her skills. David underestimates her and she uses his short- sightedness to her advantage. Barbara learns wisdom and patience. Bob is immediately drawn to Barbara, obsesses and lusts after her but she makes him wait until she’s ready to implement her plan. Her decisions and moves are coached by Chief, her wise father. Virtuous Barbara paradoxically facilitates the immoralities of others by diligently working to serve them. When shameless Marty hijacks Bob’s love for Barbara, after a bout of depression, soul- searching and consultations, Barbara resolves to get Bob back again.
Secret dealings underpin David and Bob’s behaviors in a firm built upon Marvin’s pledge to Israel. Bob becomes David’s partner and sets out to build an empire. Sharp differences in the cultural backgrounds of abused little Bobby and sadist David manifest themselves in inevitable confrontation.
Susan and Marty veer from their Christian roots and steep themselves in unthinkable debaucheries. Susan betrays her parents, spouse and child. Marty becomes an insatiable fleshpot who revels in seduction techniques and her starring role in orgies. Remorseless and wanton, she consigns a hapless rival for one of her love interests to tragedy.
Susan and Marvin lionize each other. They openly flaunt their interfaith adultery and crush the spirits of their spouses. Marty’s tempestuous affair with Bob sends Barbara soul-searching to understand what it means to really love a man.
The thread which binds the story is incipient evil resulting from the absence of parental love. Seductive and omnipresent, it is ever ready to wrest control of characters’ moral compasses and point them toward maleficent deeds. This evil takes root in Marvin and Susan and becomes a multigenerational presence. It eviscerates innocence and integrity and blossoms into the sociopathic behaviors of Marty and David.  Masking his wickedness, David artfully engenders sympathy and devotion from his vulnerable prey, then torments and destroys them. Marty guilefully disguises her wickedness with irresistible sexuality. She is masterful, unparalleled, and devoid of morality or remorse.
Naive Bob, with best intentions, falls in with this den of corporate vipers. The uncertain discovery quest of Bob and Barbara, as well as the heartlessly cruel murder plots of David, Marty and Susan are all seeded, nurtured and cultivated in THE SECRET AND THE BUTTERFLY. Through the evil mire Barbara, or Little Sparrow, glimpses the possibility to realize her dreams through a union with her “Big Horse” Bob. She becomes a masterful strategist at corporate politics, holding her cards closely and waiting for the perfect time to play them.
THE SECRET AND THE BUTTERFLY analogizes the birth and growth of corporate evil to the egg and pupa stage of a butterfly. The butterfly’s egg and the milkweed upon which the emergent caterpillar feeds are both products of their parents. Evil’s growth phase occurs stealthily, ever gathering strength and momentum. The chrysalis stage of evil takes place opaquely to its enablers, keeping its true intentions well disguised.


The lives of Marvin, Susan, David and Marty are the story’s eggs, caterpillars, and fully fledged butterflies. Bob, the firm’s employees, its sales agents, clients and collateral victims are David and Marty’s enabling milkweed leaves. The plot’s first murders occur in THE SECRET AND THE BUTTERFLY inside the transformative opaque cocoon of the firm, and all evidence of the macabre events escapes detection. Ultimately the mature evildoers emerge from their confining cocoons in full regalia, mesmerize their innocent victims, and consume their souls.

I’m reclusive by choice. I live near the edge of a wilderness area and my best friends are the forest animals. I love watching them go about their lives. I like to disappear into the wild for several days or a week at a time to get my best ideas and do my thinking. I have one house pet, a big tabby cat named Bud.


My interests are varied. I’m fascinated by peoples’ varied personalities and forever curious about how different people came to behave the way they do and think the way they do. I like to write about things where I believe I can tell a story that sheds a fresh perspective on a possibly misplaced common perception, or when I can perceive something about the future that, for reasons I do not fully understand myself, I can develop a story around and use that story to project what will happen. I try to feel what my characters feel in my stories. In fact, sometimes I cry when I write about sad things, and sometimes I cry happy cries when I write about things that relieve a character from stresses or something bad. I also feel a terrible sadness for my bad boy and bad girl characters because they can’t help themselves from being bad. When my characters fall in love, I try to put into their minds the same feelings I think I would have if I were them.
It’s hard to explain what inspires me to write. It’s more because I enjoy doing it than anything else. I get to thinking about someone I knew or read about or heard about and then a story takes form. Some mornings when I wake up there are thoughts about one or more of my characters swirling through my mind and I hurry to write those thoughts down because they are the very best outlets to express the story. Somehow they bubble up from the sub-conscious. Likely the mind is more miraculous than any of us realize. Writing is a way for me to give to others by releasing my feelings. I’m always hopeful that my work will help someone gain a perspective they didn’t have before or someone will better understand a person they couldn’t understand before.

In the evenings I like to write my first drafts in pencil by an oil lamp. There’s something special about thought processes that take place when I’m alone with my lamp, my pencil, the wonderful silence and Bud. He loves to walk on my draft paper or lie down and stretch himself out on it. That’s his goofy way of telling me he needs my attention. Then I hold him close to me like he’s a little baby and give him gentle hug rubs until he purrs. That’s how I know he’s happy and feeling healthy. He has a great purr. He goes “purr, purr, purr, purr purr.” The rubs help him slip into another world, cat dream world I guess. My place gets a little untidy when I’m immersed in writing but it’s always clean, except for when Bud leaves a fur ball someplace. He can’t help himself when he does that. He’s a cat!


Cover Reveal ~ Nuts About You: A Testicular Cancer Anthology

Nuts About You – A Testicular Cancer Anthology
Release date – 1st April 2017
Cover design by Book Covers by Bink (
This anthology will be on sale for 60 days only at a special #sale price 99p

All the profit from this anthology will be split between two charities –
Worldwide Cancer Research (
Male Cancer Awareness Campaign (

For more info, exclusive news and teasers join the Nuts About You – Release Party & Charity Auction –
Nuts About You has stories from 20 different authors and it’s filled with over 15 BRAND NEW and exclusive romance stories written from a male POV all wrapped up in one amazing anthology!
There is something for everyone in this romance anthology, including comedy, contemporary, MC, M/M, erotic, BDSM and more. It’s not for the faint hearted.

All the profit from this anthology will be split between two charities – 

Worldwide Cancer Research
The Male Cancer Awareness Campaign

If anyone would like to donate to auction, here’s the form –
Brought to you by Love To Read Romance Books & Beautiful Banners, Teasers & Promos

Cover Reveal ~ Trigger ~ by ~ L.P. Dover

Title: Trigger
Series: A Circle of Justice Novel
Author: LP Dover
Genre: Romantic Suspense Standalone
Release Date: February 6, 2017
Cover Designed By: Mae I Design and Photography

A killer . . . that’s what I am.
It’s what I do.
It’s what I live for.
I’m no longer the Preston Hale everyone knew. I left that life and the people in it a long time ago the second I made my first kill. I wasn’t going to give in, but when I heard the screams there was no going back.
It triggered the pain, the need.
I knew what I had to do, and I did it well. But I never expected for Emma Turner – the only link to my past – to come back into my life.
She triggers a different emotion inside me, something I hadn’t ever felt.
It’s not a want to kill . . . but a need to CLAIM.
When I got downstairs to the dining room, Glenn and Wade were already there, speaking to each other in hushed tones by the large window. There were shiny plates on the table, with all sorts of silverware around them. Start from the outside and work your way in, was what I was told when it came to using the various forks and spoons. Give me just one of each and I’d be happy.


It wasn’t long before Glenn noticed me at the door and the conversation ceased. “Emma, you look lovely tonight,” he announced.


I smiled. “Thank you.”




He beckoned me over to the table and Wade held out a seat for me. I sat down and he took the one on the right, while Glenn sat on my left at the head of the table. There was only one other place setting and it was across from me.




“Wine?” Glenn asked, holding up the bottle.




I nodded. “Sure.”




He poured me a glass and I took a sip. It tasted like heaven, all fruity and crisp. It was so good I had to take another sip, and another, while we waited on the special guest. Not even a minute later, the dining room door opened and a man walked in. Only, he wasn’t just anyone.




It’d been eight years and he’d surely changed, but there was no mistaking those gray eyes. His hair was the same light brown, and mussed up like all the guys did their hair these days. However, his body looked totally different. His cream colored, long-sleeve sweater hugged a set of muscular arms, and his face was more rugged, covered in a five o’clock shadow.




I almost choked on my wine. “Oh my God.” Is it really him?




“Emma, are you okay?” Wade asked, his voice low.




“Yeah,” I whispered. “I’m fine.”




I waited for Preston to look at the table, and when his gaze finally caught mine, he paused for a slight second. In his face, I could see the friend I lost so long ago, but it vanished quickly.




Glenn and Wade both stood when Preston approached, and I shot up out of my seat, bumping the table with my jerky movements. Glenn grinned at me and then at Preston. “Preston Hale, I’d like you to meet Emma Turner. She’s my assistant. Emma, this is Preston Hale, a close family friend. His father is one of my dearest friends.”




Preston held out his hand and looked at me as if he’d never laid eyes on me before. “It’s nice to meet you.”




Was he being serious? I shook his hand and made sure to put a little extra squeeze in there for good measure. “Meet me? Surely, you remember who I am.”




Glenn’s eyes went wide. “Wait. You two already know each other?”




I nodded. “From college.” I was about to add before he up and left without a trace, but thought better of it.




Glenn chuckled and smacked a hand on Preston’s shoulder. “Well, isn’t this a small world? You’ll have to tell me some stories on this one.” He nodded my way.




Preston’s jaw clenched. “Can’t. Don’t remember her.”




My mouth dropped open; it was like being punched in the gut and slapped in the face, all at the same time. No words would come out, so I sat there with a lump in my throat. In college, he’d been a close friend. I sang with him in his band, Silent Break. We connected on stage in a way I’d never felt with anyone. I cared about him, and had even been ready to take the next step in our relationship right before he up and disappeared. I never got to tell him how I felt. Now he looked at me as if I was a stranger.




The room fell silent. I wanted to say something, but I bit my tongue. It was going to be the longest dinner of my life.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she began her literary journey she worked in periodontics, enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

She loves to write, but she also loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes and white water rafting, and has a passion for singing. Her two youngest fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime, usually Christmas carols.

Dover has written countless novels, including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, the Gloves Off series, the Armed & Dangerous series, the Royal Shifters series, and her standalone novel Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense, but if she got to choose a setting in which to live, it would be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.


Review Tour ~ Royally Deep ~ by ~ Virna DePaul

We’re celebrating the release of Royally Deep by Virna DePaul!

Title: Royally Deep
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: January 10, 2017
Book Description:
Take one sexy quarterback,
Mix in one adventurous princess,
Add some serious sexual tension,
And you get the royal romance of a lifetime.
Kyle Young—all-star quarterback and lady-killer—thought he knew what he wanted out of life: freedom, football and fun. Then he meets Bella. She seems like the perfect woman: gorgeous, funny, and a huge football fan. But what he doesn’t know? Bella also happens to be Princess Arabella of Salasia.
Yearning for adventure and romance before she devotes herself to her country and marries a man she doesn’t love, Arabella can’t believe her luck when she meets Kyle. Sparks fly between the football player and the princess, and they begin an affair neither of them could’ve imagined.

Soon, however, duty and self-doubt cause Kyle and Arabella to separate. Can he become the prince she needs? And can Arabella overcome her family’s disapproval? Or will their love transform back into a pumpkin at midnight, leaving them both without a happily ever after?





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Who doesn’t love a good princess story??? I do!!!! And this was definitely a good princess story.

Princess Arabella of Salasia or Bella, is in New York to attend a football game as the guest of a team owner. Bella is a huge American football fan so this is a dream come true for her. If only her favorite player, Kyle Young, wasn’t on the injured list so she could see him play.

Kyle sneaks away to get some proper nachos at the snack bar when he meets Bella who immediately dazzles him with her vast football knowledge and enthusiasm for life.

However, Bella is a princess with a duty to her family and subjects. But either can’t forget the other, no matter how much they want to.

A sweet, Cinderella type story crossed with the Princess Diaries. Great read!

5 stars!
About the author:

Virna DePaul is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, and a former criminal prosecutor who writes thrilling, sexy stories about ordinary people overcoming extraordinary obstacles to find love. She has been traditionally published with Penguin, Harlequin, and Random House, and is also a bestselling Indie author.



Release Day Blitz ~ You’ve Always Been Mine ~ by ~ Jenika Snow










When Erik left town, I thought my world had ended. Even at the tender age of ten I knew how hard my life would be without him. And as I grow older, as the letters between us became sparse to nonexistent, I can’t help but feel like a wall has been built around my heart.

There is only one boy for me, and I know I’ll never see him again.


She was my best friend, the only person I knew I couldn’t live without.
But we had to leave each other.

Time went on, we drifted apart, and it always felt like I’d left a piece of myself back with her. But I’m a man now, a wounded Marine, and fate brings me back to the one girl who completes me.

Paige has always been mine, and now it’s time to prove that to her.

Warning: Tighten that seat belt because you’re about to go on an over-the-top, totally unbelievable ride. Featuring a possessive and devoted hero who saved himself for that one girl, it’ll still have that sugary-sweet aftertaste you crave. Don’t forget that cold glass of water, because you’ll need it for the heat this book—and Erik—is packing.



I don’t know how long I stood there, watching the road, maybe thinking Paige would come back, like it wouldn’t be weird between us. I didn’t want it to be like that, but I guess it was unavoidable.

“You got it bad,” Will said from behind me, and I clenched my jaw. Staying with them and my aunt was temporary, as in I was already going to look at a few places for my mom and me. Yeah, moving back to town had been short notice, and yeah, they were family, but Will and Cal were already riding my ass, and I hadn’t even been here that long.

I should have told him to fuck off, but instead I just turned from the street and made my way up the porch. My mind was on Paige, how pretty she was, how grown up she’d become. She wasn’t that cute little girl anymore. She was a woman, a gorgeous woman.

And mine.

First thing I needed to do was find a car. I hadn’t needed one, not since I was in the military, away from home, with nowhere to go. But this was different. I was back in Blue Springs, Paige was here, and I needed to be able to get to her.

But on that thought I remembered what she’d said. She had a place, her own place. But did she share it with someone? I’d looked to see if she wore a ring—which she didn’t—but that didn’t mean she wasn’t taken.

No, she’s mine. She’ll only ever be mine.

“Fuck,” I mumbled under my breath and headed toward the back room. I also needed to get out of here, like yesterday. I knew my mom liked being here with her sister, but I couldn’t stand Cal and Will. One of these days they’d push me, say the wrong thing, and I’d beat their asses.


Once in the room I shut the door and grabbed my cell. I stared at Paige’s number, wanting to call her, wanting to be with her even though she’d just left. And even if she was with someone, I didn’t know if I could just let it go. I didn’t know if I could just stand back and be her friend, even though I’d said I would take her any way I could. I meant it when I said I wanted her as mine, and that had just cemented itself back at the diner when I saw her for the first time again after so long.

Meet me tonight for dinner?

I shouldn’t have sent her that message. She’ll think I’m a fucking creep for sure. Damn it. I ran my hand over my hair, breathing out, feeling tightness in my chest. It was the same feeling I’d gotten when I first saw her at the diner. It was the same sensation I’d gotten when I watched her drive away all those years ago. I rubbed my chest at the same time my cell vibrated.

Paige: I’d love to.

We had a lot to talk about, a lot of time to make up for. I just hoped she hadn’t fallen in love with someone, because she was meant for me.

We were meant for each other.




Jenika Snow is a USA Today Bestselling Author that lives in the northwest with her husband and their two daughters. Before she started writing full-time she worked as a nurse.

Author Links





Release Day Blitz ~ Destined ~ by ~ A.M. Guilliams

Destined The Existing Series Vol 3

Now Available


Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs


My feelings had changed for Liam over the years. Ones I swore would never be uttered.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine making a promise to him without knowing exactly what it insinuated. Come to find out, the underlying meaning was what I least expected.

My best friend. My confidant. Wanted more.
He asked me for the summer, but what would happen when those three glorious months were over and yet another decision needed to be made? Would I be able to handle the outcome of the choice I was sure would break me?

I’d been in love with Grace since our freshman year in high school. Four years later, I’d finally taken a gamble and asked her for the summer. Shock tore through me when she gave me the answer I longed to hear.
She was my best friend. My everything. And now she’d agreed to become more.
I’d devised the perfect plan to make every moment count and I couldn’t wait to show her how perfect we’d be together. There was a reason our parents met so randomly all those years ago, and I believed it was because fate led me to her. Only she’d been keeping a secret bigger than the two of us combined. Would our new found relationship be able to withstand the distance? Or would everything implode including the lifelong friendship we shared?

How far would you go to create your own destiny before you accepted your fate?
We are Grace Corbin and Liam DeLuca and this is our tragically, beautiful love story.



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Other Titles in Series

Desolate Vol 1

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Conflicted Vol 2

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About A.M. Guilliams

A.M. Guilliams is a romantic suspense and women’s fiction author who currently resides in Virginia with her husband, three children, and fur babies. Books, flip flops, coffee, chocolate, The Walking Dead, and Chicago Fire are just a few of her obsessions. Her love of books began with novels by Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, and the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe. When she’s not writing, you can find her down by the river with her family, curled up on the couch with a good book, or watching her favorite movies and television shows.

Connect with A.M. Guilliams


Facebook Author Page:

Facebook Readers Group:


Cover Reveal ~ Forbidden Love ~ by ~ Evan Grace

Title: Forbidden Love
Series: Love Stings Book 3
Author: Evan Grace
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 24, 2017
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Cover Designed by: Deranged Doctor Designs
Violet Carmichael knew her second year of college would be tough, but nothing could have prepared her for what was about to happen…
Violet’s goal is clear—to finish college and work alongside her father and uncle at their family business—but she has one major problem. The dreaded Professor Torres, head of the Architectural Department at Tulane, has a reputation as one of the toughest teachers on campus. Violet has heard more than once that he can be a downright jerk, but she’s determined to not let him get in her way.
He might be a successful professor, but his personal life is nothing short of a mess…
Diego Torres has the worst track record when it comes to women—which is why when he first lays eyes on his new student, he assumes she’s like all the other superficial Barbie dolls he’s always been attracted to. But it only takes a few encounters for him to realize he couldn’t have been more wrong, and the more time he spends with Violet, the more he desires her in a way no professor should desire a student.
Sometimes it’s impossible to walk away, even when there’s so much at stake…
After desperately trying avoid crossing that thin ethical line, Diego and Violet are no longer able to deny the sexual tension between them and risk everything, falling into an all-consuming, passionate relationship. But when outsiders threaten to destroy it all, Diego has no choice but to make a life-altering decision for himself and the woman he is forbidden to love.

As lines between student and professor begin to blur, the consequences might end up destroying them both…
A knock on my office door has me looking up to find Violet standing there. “Come in and please shut the door.” She does and then sits down on the other side of my desk. “Ms. Carmichael, I asked you to come meet me to discuss your design. I’d like you to answer me honestly. Who helped you?” There was no reason to beat around the bush.

“What do you mean, who helped me? No one did.” I see that familiar spark in her eyes. “Do you really think I’d turn in something that I honestly didn’t do by myself?”

“Well, Ms. Carmichael, people will sometimes do anything to make themselves look good.”

Violet pushes herself up until she’s standing and slaps her hands on my desk. “Are you kidding me right now? I did that design all by myself. How dare you accuse me of having someone help me? I’ll show you right now that I did it alone.” She grabs her laptop out of her bag and slaps it on my desk.

I watch in stunned silence as she pulls up a program on her laptop and starts tapping away on her
keyboard. She stops and picks it up, coming around to my side, and I watch as she works with a speed that seriously impresses me. It’s very obvious that I’ve made a mistake here. Violet knows what she’s doing and is confident in her work. Before I can stop myself, I reach out and place my hand on her arm to stop her typing.

“Why’d you stop me?” she asks as I stand up. We’re so close we’re almost touching. This close to her, I can see the gold flecks in her eyes.

“I believe you. I’m sorry I thought you had help. Yours was the best I’ve seen in a long time.” I warm inside when I watch a touch of pink bloom on her cheeks. “You’re extremely gifted.” I feel myself lean toward her and feel her lean toward me. It’s like we’re two magnets, and the pull is intense. I’ve never in my life felt this kind of pull toward someone. If I’m being honest, it freaks me out just a little. Right now I’d give my left nut to be able to mark her, to taste her.

My office phone ringing breaks the spell, and we both lean back. Violet doesn’t say a word—she just stares at me with those hypnotic eyes of hers. The phone stops ringing, but I don’t care.

She finally speaks. “Um…th-thank you for believing me. I should probably go.”

Violet’s gone before I can even stop her.

A Midwesterner and self-proclaimed nerd, Evan has been an avid reader most of her life, but five years ago got bit by the writing bug, and it quickly became her addiction, passion and therapy. When the voices in her head give it a rest, she can always be found with her e-reader in her hand. Some of her favorites include, Shayla Black, Jaci Burton, Madeline Sheehan and Jamie Mcguire. Evan finds a lot of her inspiration in music, so if you see her wearing her headphones you know she means business and is in the zone.


Cover Reveal ~ Boys, Toys – Oh My Vol 2 ~ by ~ A.M. Willard


⋆⊰*•༻•༺⋆༻༺*COVER REVEAL*༻ ༺⋆༻•༺•*⊱⋆
Boys, Toys – Oh My
By A.M. Willard
Genre: Romance
Is this what my life has become… Selling novelty items to couples…

I walked away from it all – the job, and the guy because he thought I was a stripper… The problem, I still want the guy, and I still blush
at the word penis. Not as much, but the heat still rises when I stop to think about what I’m saying.

Yes, this is my new life and I have to find the confidence to live it like I own it.

I knew allowing her to walk away that night was a mistake… Now I have to find a way to show that I truly care about her, and maybe then
she’ll understand that I can’t live my life without her.

The problem is she only wants to be friends, if that’s the only way I get her then it’ll have to be enough.





Catch up on book one before book two is release on January 18, 2017
Boys,Toys-OhMy cover.jpg




About the Author
International Bestselling Author, A.M. Willard resides in Savannah, Georgia. She joined the Peach State many years ago after leaving the crystal blue waters
and sugary white sand behind from the Panhandle of Florida. She’s also known for being a wife, mother, and caretaker for her farm animals. A.M. loves anything sassy, glittery, and is a sucker for the Hallmark Channel. That last one might be the reason she
believes in soulmates or it could be because she married her high school sweetheart almost twenty years ago.




Connect with A.M. Willard
Facebook Author Page:
Facebook Reader Group:


Cover Reveal ~ The Sex Club Diaries ~ by ~ James Grey

Cover Reveal – James Grey – The Sex Club
Author – James Grey
Book – The Sex Club Diaries
Event Date – 11th January
Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind closed doors at
those parties? The salacious ones people never speak about? Based on real
events, The Sex Club Diaries reveals the answers by taking you into a series of
swinger venues around the world. Brace yourself for the delicious vice that
goes hand in hand with an open mind and shelved inhibitions

He may write his fiction under a nom-de-plume, but James
Grey has been widely published by magazines and newspapers around the world for
the best part of two decades. He has generally spent his working life writing
about significantly less embarrassing topics than his own and other peoples’
sex lives.
Grey began writing erotica in the run-up to Christmas 2013,
inspired by a quick visit to a sauna in Germany and prompted by a subsequent
period of ennui at his aunt’s house in France. His self-published author ego
was born a week or two later on a grim, hung-over New Year’s Day in England.
He has gone on to become a category best-seller on Amazon on
more than one occasion, and is one of only a tiny handful of male authors
writing erotica. Take a look at his Author
or Fan Group, and you might even
find a picture of him the well-travelled Grey at a book signing event.
Grey is in his thirties, juggles authoring with a full-time
job and lives in Europe with no family and no pets. He does, however, like
women a lot, and is open to owning a cat one day. Although he’s convinced that
a cat always owns you, rather than the other way around…




Release Tour ~ Safe Bet ~ by ~ Monica Murphy


Safe Bet by
Monica Murphy
Release Date: January 10th, 2017
Series: The Rules
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Sydney Walker’s new job is perfect. As
the live-in nanny to the most famous quarterback in the NFL and his beautiful
wife, she couldn’t have it any better. Their kids are adorable. Her bosses are
more than generous. Plus, there are hot football players at the house all the
time. Life can’t get much better than this.
Until her life turns into an absolute
nightmare. The media is abuzz with rumors that she and her boss Drew Callahan
are having a torrid affair. Everyone knows the truth—except the public. So Drew’s
wife Fable comes up with the perfect idea.
She creates a fake relationship between
Sydney and one of the rookie players on Drew’s team. Wade Knox is forever
indebted to Drew and Fable and readily agrees to the set up. Pretending to be
in a romantic relationship with the hot nanny for a week—how hard can it be?
Crazy how it only takes one week for two
people to fall head over heels in love…
(This mash-up new adult romance features
characters from both the One Week Girlfriend series and The Rules series.)
Pre-Order Links:
About the Author:
Murphy is the New York Times, USA Today and #1 international bestselling author
of the One Week Girlfriend series, the Billionaire Bachelors and The Rules
series. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and has sold
over one million copies worldwide. She is both self-published and published by
Random House/Bantam and Harper Collins/Avon. She writes new adult, young adult
and contemporary romance.
She is a wife and a mother
of three who lives in central California on fourteen acres in the middle of
nowhere along with their one dog and too many cats. A self-confessed
workaholic, when she’s not writing, she’s reading or hanging out with her
husband and kids. She’s a firm believer in happy endings, though she will admit
to putting her characters through angst-filled moments before they finally get
that hard won HEA.
Connect with Monica:

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